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2023 Annual Town Meeting

The May 2023 Annual Town Meeting concluded on Monday, May 8. Among the over 40 articles voted on by Town Meeting Members were several that impact Needham Schools. Other articles concerned recreation options in Needham which may be of particular interest to children & families. A full list of warrant articles can be found on the Needham town website.


Article 12: Appropriate the FY2024 Operating Budget (Approved)

The school operating budget (primarily salaries and expenses) of $92,155,973 was approved within the town's operating budget. This represents a 5.6% increase over the previous year's budget, and includes an increase of 14.33 Full Time Equivalents (FTE). This budget request will provide the resources to fund existing contractual obligations, provide funds to meet increasing special education needs and enrollment growth, and implement the District’s Portrait of a Needham Graduate Five-Year Strategic Plan. The detailed budget report is available on the NPS website.

Article 24: Appropriate for DeFazio Playground Design (Approved)

Of note to families of young children, Town Meeting voted to appropriate $35,000 to support the design of a new “tot lot” at DeFazio Field. Design considerations will include location, playground equipment, playground age groups, fencing, pathways and amenities.

Article 25: Appropriate for General Fund Cash Capital (Approved)

This article, which appropriates funds for one-time smaller capital improvements, included several school-related projects.

  • School Copier Replacement ($69,739)

  • School Furniture ($25,000)

  • School Technology Replacement ($460,750)

This article also included $35,000 for an Action Sports Park Feasibility Study to study potential options for a skate park and pickleball courts in Needham.

Article 27: Appropriate for Rooftop Unit Replacement (Approved)

These funds will allow for the replacement of HVAC rooftop units at Broadmeadow and Eliot Schools. The current units are now past the end of their useful life and have become increasingly inefficient and costly to maintain.

Watch 2023 Town Meeting:

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